Hydrangea! Hydranges! Hydrangeas!

I recently bought 2 pots of hydrangeas from Sinflora, which is located near Sengkang, and which is easily accessible from where I stay. I've always wanted to have hydrangeas in the house for as long as I remember. I had considered other plants to brighten up my new place, but nothing caught my fancy as much as hydrangeas. For those who've never seen this wonderful plant with ball-like flowers, you don't know what you're missing ; ) Take a look at what I've got to the left and I guarantee that you'd be tempted to go get a pot or 2.

For one, they're unique in that they can yield different colour flowers depending on the acidity of the soil. The more acidic the soil, the bluer the flowers. If you add alkaline to the soil, you'll get pink ones. And who can forget the ball-like blooms that reward you for watering the plants frequently and having them well-fertilised. They're happy flowers and add colour to even the most dull environment, not to mention one's life.

I've ambitious plans to try and propagate the plants, and having a mini-garden in the planter outside of my living room. But as in all good things, there's a need for consistency and patience before I see the fruits of my labour ; ) Having reach the age of 40 some 5 months back, I've come to appreciate the simpler things in life. I used to scoff at the idea of planting, although having a few pots at home hardly qualifies me as a gardener, but I now see why people spend time and effort to care for their plants. It's not just rewarding, in that they'll always bring giftings of sight and smell. It's also highly soothing in being able to look at the blooms that come with time.

We'll see how my 2 precious pots turn out. At $28 per pot, they're not exactly cheap, but I've a good feeling that they'll be just fine. They've enough sun where they are without being in direct light, and I hope to share their magnificent blooms with you (in photos that is) when they deem it's time to reward me ; )


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