Why, Oh Why?

Starting a blog has always been my one of my many resolutions, but there's something masochistic about laying bare one's inner thoughts and emotions. This is why this blog took such a long time to gestate, although some would attribute it to good-old-fashioned procrastination. Truth be told, I've always known that I would've a blog - it was just a matter of time. But there's been so many false starts that it felt for a while that this was not meant to be.

Now that I'm going to write down my thoughts, I feel obliged to say why I started this blog. For as long as I can remember, I've always loved the written and spoken word. I'm amazed at how words can evoke the most loving or terrifying response, and how it controls our lives more than we care to admit. Words are vessels of power that can build up or destroy one's lives. They are the medium through which our thoughts and feelings impact those around us, be it good or bad. They can galvanise people to a noble cause, such as Churchill rallying the English people to stand up to Hitler. They can also sway the masses to turn a blind eye to evil, such as how the Germans went along with Hitler's systemic extermination of the Jews.

After all that's said and done, this blog basically details what I think and how I feel about things that I see or experience. If they go against what you think or how you feel, I beg your kind indulgence in pardoning my inpudence or insensitiveness. But if they resonate with you one way or another, please share your thoughts with me and others.


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