Wonder Girls

The other day I was watching the MV of the song and my niece happened to be in the room. And she took an instant liking to the tune and started following the moves. I was like, my God, kids are so happening nowadays. She was so into the song that she told me to join her. And this from a 5-year old girl! I can tell she's the type who relishes attention in school. Looking at her, I won't be surprised if she grows up breaking many boys and eventually men's hearts. But she's my niece, and I'm of course partial to her. While I won't say she can do no wrong in my eyes, she does get quite a bit of leeway from me.
Anyhow, if you're keen, do check out the MV at YouTube. Enjoy and don't feel embarrassed if you find yourself moving to the beat ; )
We had a good time watching it at Jam's place as well.
There are many versions of this, including one for guys. It's really quite catchy, as you said!
Okay, need to check out the guy version.