Public Transport

Since getting a car in early 2005, I've had limited contact with public tranport. Oh, all right, more like no contact because I don't even own an ezylink card. But that changed recently when my car broke down and I had to take the train for 3 days.

I must say it was fun riding the train, and not just because its been a while since I last commuted this way. Novelty aside, it gave me time to read moving from point a to point b. I realise how I was able to read much more in the past. The ample time spent travelling allowed me to go through more books than I can now. Not that I'm making excuses for my less-than-decent contributions to a book review blog recently, but you can chalk up many books on a 1-hour ride to and from work each day. By the way, I'll have you know that I was among the top students who read a lot during my primary school days ; )

In addition to reading, there's also people-watching. I'm always amazed by the behaviour of people on public transport. They sleep and drool, pick their nose and twirl their hair as if they are among family members or friends. Perhaps the many years of commuting has lured them into a sense of familiarity such that they are less inhibitive. But public display of certain habits, such as clearing one's nasal cavity, is never alright. This aside, one wonders what goes through their minds as they wait for their turn to alight. Are they replaying the day's events, reconsidering their decisions or reminiscing about better times in their minds. Or are they looking ahead, sure of what they've chosen in life and happy in the here and now. One really wonders which group is the majority.


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