
Showing posts from November, 2009

Reflections on Leading Self

The company I work for (in case you've forgotten, its no longer MINDEF ) recently launched a Leading Self programme at the corporate level. Even though I've only been in the company for 4 months, I'm thankful that I'm able to work with our partner (which is a consultancy company specialising in this area) to scrub the programme and plan the roll out. On a personal basis, I must say there's tremendous resonance between what I believe and what I'm doing. In my younger days, I really believed that life was just about going with the flow and being happy. I used to laugh at those who led purposeful lives thinking that they were slaves to their goals and objectives. But I've come to regret (in ways that are too expensive for most people) that I was being downright unwise. Life is short and no matter what your religious beliefs are, its really not about you. It's about living a purposeful life so that you can make a difference to your family, friends and...


As a Christian, I believe that God gives us resources and relationships to help us along life's journey. Resources comprise time, talent and treasury, but it is relationships which is key. Relationships is what allow us to grow and progress to the next level. and vice versa. If you don't believe me, look at the major changes and milestones in your life, and there will invariably be someone you can credit or blame. As with most principles, this one cuts both ways too. Which means that to grow, we need to leverage on the experiences and wisdom of those who are higher up on life's ladder. Please don't get me wrong - I'm not looking at people in an utilitarian way to meet our selfish needs. As human beings, we're not islands unto ourselves. We need relationships to survive and flourish because that's how we are created. We also need relationships to reach our potential. How many times do we hear of an inspiring teacher, friend, boss,or elder making a grea...