
Showing posts from September, 2008

Eventful Friday

When I came to work yesterday, I had the most pleasant of surprises. The people in my branch had taken the trouble to clean up and decorate my cubicle. The former cos I tend to be a bit untidy. The latter cos my birthday's coming. Given that they had stayed behind after work on Thursday evening to get everything done, I was touched to say the least. What they did was to play on my name Don and decorated my cubicle into a sushi place selling all types of don, which of course is rice in Japanese. There was also a trail of paper cockroaches being attracted to my cubicle in view of the 'food' on my table and the wall immediately behind my chair. I had a good laugh and some of the other colleagues joined in the fun too. I must say I really appreciate the time and effort they took to give me the surprise. For lunch, my people, a friend from another branch and I went to Lot1. No prize for guessing what we ate - sushi of course. But we passed on the mini dons promotion ; ) After t...

My First Baking Class

Last evening was the first time I tried my hands at baking, along with 5 other friends from the office. At the end of 3-plus hours, we made 2 desserts. I used the word 'made' cos one of my friends, Wei Ching , pointed out you don't technically bake tiramisu . Touche. Anyway, the other dessert was mixed berries oats crumble, which entailed baking. The verdict - it was really fun, even though the 6 of us were split into 3 tables cos we arrived a tad late. Jason, June and Siok Ling were at one table, Cheryl and I another while Mei Ling kindly volunteered to join a third. What made it fun was the fact that the instructor was a nice man with lots of patience. He went through the recipes with us and completed some of the more time-consuming processes (like making whip cream and boiling syrup water etc). During the making of the crumble, we were supposed to add in the eggs one after another into the mixer, but one of the groups did it a bit too fast and with hilarious results. ...

Another First

This is turning out to be a year of many firsts. In Jan, I started a blog after toying with the idea for years. Then, I bought a digital SLR, again after many years of thinking about it. Now, I'll be trying my hands at baking. Come this Friday, I'll be making tiramisu , among other delectable desserts. It's one of the many welfare events that my company organises and I was inspired to go for it after seeing the email. I also promptly roped in my colleagues, who may have obliged because I also happened to be their boss. But I'd like to think they also look forward to learning how to bake too, and perhaps not to the same extent, spending some quality time with me - ha ha . I must say I'm looking forward to learning how to bake. I've always been amazed by how chefs can whip up the most dazzling and delicious dessert. I'm sure its both an art and a science. An art because it takes an artiste to create new recipes and present their creations in a way that is both...